Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala

28798 Visitors:
Address: Megalochori
Area: Trikala
Telephone: 6975260668
Mobile: -
P.C.: 42100
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The company INOX CONSTANTAKOS is active in the field of metal structures for years and is based in Megalochori, Trikala. Our knowledge and long experience, gives us the opportunity to meet your every need, always respecting your personal taste and of course adapting to the limits of your budget.       From the smallest to the largest project, we have the experience to create what you have in mind....
28798 Visitors:

Megalochori, Trikala

28798 Visitors:

The company INOX CONSTANTAKOS is active in the field of metal structures for years and is based in Megalochori, Trikala.

Our knowledge and long experience, gives us the opportunity to meet your every need, always respecting your personal taste and of course adapting to the limits of your budget.




From the smallest to the largest project, we have the experience to create what you have in mind.


Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Stainless special constructions
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Stainless steel constructions in food industries
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Decorative constructions
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Repairs / Welding of all types of metals
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Railings
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Metal stairs
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Inox doors
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Piping
Konstantakos Evangelos - Inox - Stainless Steel Constructions & Railings Megalochori - Trikala Aluminum - bronze - copper constructions
28798 Visitors:


Telephone: 6975260668

Working Hours
